Open, a poem

A Verb's Story


Writing session on the couch in black and white with a pen mustache

I had a little fun with this writing prompt a few weeks back. The word: OPEN. So much comes to mind when I hear the word open. Clearly I went in a less than serious direction. Really curious as to what comes to your mind when you hear the word open. Feel free to email me. I would love to hear from you. I hope you enjoy the playfulness:

Oh Pen, an ode to my pen

Your click is as swift as a salute,
Like a soldier for stories on pursuit.
Your sharpness slides across the paper,
As seamless and effortless as Dan Draper.
Oh Pen, Oh Pen.
So smart, this innovation.
What would I do without your fast drying ink?
Waiting to dry would just have me rethink.
I’d pull at my hair,
Send up a few prayers,
Bite on my lip,
And lose my grip.
In all that waiting
Lies indecisive, uncertain, dangerous debating
Had I made the right choice?
Oh dear, passive or active voice?
But you, oh pen, and your quick fast dry
Reminds me these words are worth my time.
Oh Pen, Oh Pen.
Thank you again and again.
They say, you are mightier than a sword
You have the power to examine and explore
Set sail for the uncharted
Compose a song for the brokenhearted
Draw a smile
Report on his style
A letter to a friend
Or an infamous the end.
Oh Pen, Oh Pen,
What a craft and creation

Thank you for reading,