Making Our Weekends Count


Bryan snapped a photo of my "go-to pose" while on a morning walk through our neaghborhood park.

“I have some startling news,” he said while looking up from his Casio calculator.

What more news could there possibly be, I thought as headlines of Kabul Bombings, Delta variants, and Hurricane After Hurricane flashed across my mind.

I suppose he saw the worry in my eyes, so he answered with a slight tease to shift my worry, “Nothing too serious, Love. Only that, I’ve calculated the number of weekends we have left. And we should plan things. Fun things. For each weekend. And we should add it to ToDoIst.”

“What do you mean weekends we have left? Like, to live?!?!” his tease not working as intended.

“Yeah,” he answered with a cheerful pride that I had figured out his logic. “We have 2,080 weekends... roughly.” He turned the face of his calculator to face me. Yep. It read 2,080 across its solar hungry screen.


This number might seem a bit low. And Bryan wasn’t entirely optimistic about our wellbeing after 75 years. Apparently “our knees won’t be in great shape for hiking mountains and things” beyond 75.

I have plans to prove him wrong.

Anyway, we have started planning our weekends and bucket lists and things. And I thought I’d share them here in this space, with you, documenting our little adventures and explorations.

We are getting to know New England a bit more beyond our home and the trails that loop the neighborhood.

One Weekend:

We traveled to Clinton, Massachusetts to see the Wachusett Dam and its millions of stairs.

Side view of the Wachusett Dam in Clinton, MassachussettsThe trail we fallowed lead us under a beautiful bridge twoards the spillway of the Wachusett's Dam.A mushroom growing on a fallen trea near the waterfall in the spillway of the Dam.

The Dam serves as the water reservoir for most of Worcester (county) but also for Boston. As these two cities (Worcester and Boston) are the two largest in all of New England, it goes without saying that this water reservoir is gigantic.

Another Weekend:

We went foraging for leaves and acorns.

Bryan investigating all the little bugs on a vine during our morning walk in our nearby park.We found a ceramic bunny on the trail. We gave him a leaf to eat just in case he was hungry.Bryan stole the camery to take a picture of these purple flowers in our flower bed.

I’ve actually started a treasure jar--to keep all my trail finds safe and sound. A few of the leaves and flowers that we brought home are stashed away in our biggest, heaviest books for a future project.

One Weekend We:

I visited a flower farm. Bryan stayed home that morning, and I’m glad he did, as we received unexpected, tough news from family back in Dallas.

A picture of me standing with freshly cut summer flowers in hand at the Peterson FarmsMy friend Emma Graham smiling in a field of Zinnias at Peterson Farms.My collections of freshly cut flowers in my bucket of water ready to be taken home from the Peterson Farms Stand.

Peterson Farms with my dear friend, Emma, whom I hadn’t seen in just over a year. I missed her. A lot. Peterson Farms, tucked away at the border of Connecticut and Massachusetts, is a self-served flower farm. The zinnias stole the show, but Peterson Farms also grows numerous flowers, fruits, and veg. Plus, at $4 a pound, that is a lot of flowers!

It was a month of heartache and exploration. We spent time digitizing family photos, celebrating a handful of birthdays, building a long awaited bookshelf, and per usual, traipsing through the trails around our home. Difficult goodbyes and coveted hellos bookend the month of August.

I’m really looking forward to September weekend plans--as it is Bryan’s Birthday Month.

May your weekends count,